Friday, April 23, 2010

It's a Wrap!

This week has been fun but busy along the way. At our university, we had Greek Week, which is a time for all the members of the Greek community, to compete in different events against each other. Order of Omega (which I am now a part of) hosts this event and the winning fraternity and sorority each get $200. Some of these events were: a hot dog eating contest, corn hole, sand volleyball tournament, obstacle course, karaoke contest, art contest and dodgeball. It is SUPPOSED to be a friendly competition but some frats and sororities make it into something different. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted and many people would agree with me. It is also a big weekend for my university as we have something called Muskiepalooza. The college has different foods, games and things to make on the quad that are really exciting and different. This year, we will be having Flogging Molly perform which should be a good time. I just hope the rain holds off and it can warm up a bit.
Along with this fun-filled week and weekend, comes time for school to end and finals right around the corner. Luckily, I only have to worry about one final but it's the thought of being a senior so soon and watching my friends and boyfriend graduate that makes me sad. My freshman year, I had a lot of fun and never wanted to graduate. However, as time has passed, I've been looking forward to the end. Now that I think about it, I wish I would have joined my sorority sooner because I will only have one more year left of doing all of the activities we do and bonding with my sisters. Just the thought of applying for big kid jobs no longer sounds appealing to me. I am going to miss my boyfriend a lot. I met him my freshman year and we started hanging out a lot my sophomore year and finally dated then. I can always go to his house if I want to get out of mine and simply hang out with him, which is something I won't be able to do much of next year. It scares me to think about where we might end up and I hope it's together. I guess only time will tell. On a brighter note, only a few more weeks until summer :)

Just a random thought, I was looking at the title of my blog site and realized this entire time I have been blogging it has mostly been about my life in the present. Maybe next time, I'll include some funny stories from my past.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Responsibility: When Can College Students Actually Act their Age?

So this past weekend, my sorority had a lot of events going on that I was in charge of.One of the best events we have, in which the whole club is able to have a good time is our formal. The other social chair and I had rented out a nice place and decorated it. Being a new member, we had to create a poster for a senior that included pictures, to be hung at this place. My big is a senior so I created hers. She however failed to give me pictures until I went to her house the day off formal and took some from her. Earlier that day, I had a nutrition seminar to go to because I am an education major and this is required of us. After that I went and decorated for formal. Needless to say, I was 2 hours late to my own formal, mainly because of this poster.
I was upset about being that late for my formal but thought it would be ok because I still had two hours left of it. Little did I know, that thought was completely wrong! As my boyfriend and I walked inside, he said he had to use the bathroom. So after setting down these dreaded posters, I showed him where it was. As we were waiting in line, the owner and the other social chair came running upstairs and he showed her something, which prompted her to be upset. Turns out, three men (or should I say children) that came as dates, either peed on people outside or someone saw them do it. Either way it was disgusting and resulted in us getting kicked out of the whole building. I was only at this event that I planned and decorated for maybe 5 minutes. Don't worry though, I got to clean up after everyone when it was over. To say the least, I was really upset and mad because I missed my first formal and did not get a single picture of friends or of the banquet hall.
I guess the question that comes to my mind, is why would someone do that? Do we really have to hold their hands to go to the bathroom? I just thought it was ridiculous. Here are three grown men, about ready to graduate COLLEGE and they are doing this? If they can't control themselves as the drink alcohol, then they should probably stop. It was embarrassing to everyone because we got kicked out for that reason and another reason which I will refrain from talking about. When are people going to start acting their age and be responsible? Who would think that is ok to do that? I hope these three ignorant children know they ruined many people's formal, whether it be their first or last one. It is supposed to be a fun time but it got cut short because men could not control themselves. I know one thing is for sure, they are not invited back to any of our club's events. Their dates (which are in my sorority) need to be aware of who they bring because they are responsible for them. So yes, they may also have to pay a price if this happens again with someone else they bring. These people have a lot of growing up to do. It's just sad that stuff like this still happens in college.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Future

Looking back on my previous blogs, I noticed a lot of them are about school and being busy. While I don't want to keep talking about that I do want to point out that I have less than 3 weeks of classes left. Granted, I have A LOT to do in those three weeks, I'm very excited for classes to be over. I recently got accepted into Order of Omega which is a greek honorary at my college and Kappa Delta Pi, the education honorary. I don't know whats gotten into me this year because I have joined a lot and took on leadership roles. For example, I am the cheerleading captain, I'm in the two honoraries I just mentioned, I joined a sorority, in which I also took on the social chair position. While I'm happy for finally being involved, I think I got a little carried away. Hopefully, everything works out and I don't get to overwhelmed.
Being so busy is making me miss out on some fun stuff here at school and back home, which makes me sad. My roommate and boyfriend are really busy too so I won't be seeing much of them, which is sad because they will be graduating. My townhouse has parties and I don't get to go to them half the time. The boys in my house will be graduating too so that kind of sucks. My niece is having her first slumber party back home and she wanted me to meet all of her friends because she bragged about me to them. This makes me sad to think about because she asked my mom where I was. I hope I can make it to the next one she has. I have three nieces and two nephews and I can't believe how fast they are all growing up. My niece who is having the slumber party for her birthday is going to be nine years old. I can remember when she was just a baby. It makes me feel really old. I look forward to the future yet I miss part of the past and don't want to let the present go.... It makes me sad to think about all the fun times I've had at college and how that is going to come to an end in a year. Someday I will let go and start to really looking forward to the future..

Friday, April 2, 2010

Busy Schedule to Spoiled Kids

Another month down for school and technically only one more to go, not that I'm counting or anything. It's been such a crazy year and now it's just gotten really busy. While I'm looking forward for school to be over with, I am dreading the start of April. Being the social chair for my sorority is very time consuming I am beginning to find out. Planning all the parties and where to have them, what to bring, making sure all of the dates work for everyone, etc., is pretty hectic. Hopefully though, it will all work out. I recently realized I would be busy until the end of June. I have classes and finals that run into the first week of May, my boyfriend's graduation, Mother's Day and then I start classes for May Term. My two teachers for my classes during May have agreed to work with me during the last week because I was chosen to be a Muskie Preview Orientaion leader to welcome the incoming freshmen during those same dates. This program runs from May 31st to June 10th. It's something I've wanted to do though, so I'm looking forward to it. I am especially excited for the end of June because I will be going down south to Alabama for vacation! This will be the first time since I have gone to the beach since I was five years old and I cannot wait!
I've been thinking lately and I know money does not solve all problems, but it sure would help in some cases. I've worked every since I was allowed to and have always held a job. I've always been on the Honor Roll (for high school) and the Dean's List (for college). I've participated in sports since I was in 6th grade and have always done quite well in them. I'm a pretty busy girl and I don't complain..for the most part. Today's an exception I guess. I grew up with four sisters and my single mother did an amazing job raising us on her own. We've all had to work hard, like many other people in the world. I guess the thing that bothers me is the way some kids are today. I do not care much for the spoiled kids that get everything handed to them. I see 16 year olds getting brand new cars right when they get their license. I am 21 years old and do not own my own car. I desperately need a car and hate to ask people to borrow theirs (which is something I have to do on a daily basis). I am an education major and need a vehicle to drive to schools to be able to complete field experiences for my classes. I am very appreciative when my boyfriend and roommate let me use their car, I just think it annoys them sometimes when I am constantly borrowing it. I don't even want a brand new car. I'm also having trouble with my cell phone, computer and Ipod. I've bought all of these items myself (with the exception of the Ipod) and none of them seem to be working properly now. Sometimes I just can't catch a break :( . I always remind myself though that there are some people who have it worse than me. I do not have the money to get a car or any of these items fixed. There is one other major problem that I have that bothers me everyday of my life (no exaggeration). Honestly though, I do not want to even mention it because it is very embarrassing to me. I did not intend to have this blog turn into a pity party so I apologize if anyone is reading this. On the bright side, the weather has been beautiful in Ohio and summer is creeping up on us. I hope everyone has a great Easter.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

April Madness

We're coming to the end of March and while I'm happy school is almost over, I am dreading the month of April. April may be the death of me because I will be extremely busy. It is always the busiest time of the year for school work because most teachers have days in April as final due dates. A run-down of my crazy month of April follows. Since I am an Education major, all of my field hours will need to be done in this month. I am already stressing out and March isn't even over. I am also the cheerleading captain for next year and we will be holding try-outs for three days in April. Many induction ceremonies will take place that I will have to attend and I am an Orientation leader for the incoming freshmen so I will have workshops for those as well. For my sorority, I was elected for the social chair position, in which I plan the parties and let me tell you, there are a lot in April. My nieces birthday is also in April, in which I will have to find time to go home for.
On the other hand, I do not want April to end because many of my close friends and boyfriend will be graduating. I have some things to look forward to though. For example, I will be going on vacation for the first time since I was 5 years old and I cannot wait. Although I will be taking classes during May, many of my friends will be here also taking classes (which may make it less painful). I am excited to be an orientation leader and that will take place in June. I cannot believe how fast time goes. I will be a senior next year and honestly, I don't think I'm ready to leave at times. But I guess I really can't stay here forever and have to grow up sometime....

Oh and my bracket for March Madness has gone down the drain..oh well there's always next year :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Random Thoughts

I am currently in the last few weeks of March and the weeks are just getting busier and busier. I cannot wait until summertime so some of this stress is gone. Spring break has come and gone but I wish I was still at home still. One movie I watched over break was that Julie Julia movie, where the woman follows through the older woman's cookbook and keeps a blog about it. It reminded me of the blog I am keeping, even though I am doing mine for a college class. I thought the movie was cute and didn't realize it was possible to get that much fame for a blog (something I know I will never get from this :)). I have never kept a diary, so this is something new for me.
I titled this post Random Thoughts, because truly, that's what it is and will be. I am loving this weather we have here in Ohio and do not want to even think about snow.. which has been projected. I'm the type of girl who would love to wear shorts and flip flops all year long and love when it starts to warm up. The smell of people grilling and the sound of people outside, listening to music, playing cornhole and other games just makes life more fun I think. The nice weather makes me want to spend all my time outside, which is not too great when I'm trying to do some homework. March Madness is currently going on and I love watching basketball. My boyfriend,Jeremy, made me fill out a bracket for the first time and I'm not doing to bad on it. Maybe by my next post, I can see how things might work out and let anyone out there reading this know. I would like to hear who everyone has to win the National Championship game. In true Ohio spirit, GO BUCKS !

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring Break has Arrived!

Well everyone, spring break has finally arrived. While it is still winter, since we have our break at the beginning of March, the weather has not been too terrible. The past few days it has been in the 50s. I'm over winter and ready for summertime though. I'm currently on day 2 of spring break and it's just as boring as expected. It is supposed to be a "break" but I'm too busy stressing out about homework and trying to get as much done as I can. Too bad I'm already behind in my own schedule. I don't see how some of these people who actually take trips can get all of their schoolwork done. As much as I would have liked to have been on a beach, I know I have way to much to do.
It is my birthday tomorrow and I will most likely be doing homework. My family plans to celebrate my birthday along with my two older sisters' birthdays this weekend since we were all born on the same day. My boyfriend is planning on coming up this weekend to spend time with me. I am excited to see everyone but in the back of my mind, I can't help but think of all the work I could get done in those two days that everyone will be here. The next two months of school will be the busiest yet. I will have field hours to finish for my education classes along with finals and other big projects. So close yet so far to summertime. On the bright side, I found out I will be cheerleading captain next year at my University and I was chosen as one of the Orientation leaders to welcome freshmen and show them around campus, which is something that I always wanted to do. Pledging is also over with, so hopefully I will get back some of the time that I spent doing that.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Spring Break countdown

I always look forward to the breaks we have from school. I tend to not go home that much throught the year because I am really busy. Seeing my family and playing with my nieces and nephews is always a good time. I only live 45 minutes from the school so it really isn't to bad. My mom and sisters will come to my games so I usually get to see them on the weekends. Now that basketball season is over, I won't get to see them as much so that's why I have a countdown till Spring Break.
Unfortunately, I do not get to travel to a beach or any other warm place for my spring break, like usual. Instead, I get to spend that week doing homework and trying to work ahead. I love the beach and would love to go with my friends but I do not have the money and would not want my mom to pay for it. It gets annoying when I hear people talk about their trips they are taking and how mommy and daddy are paying for it. I'm just not that lucky and would not want to ask my mom for that much money while she is stuck at home. Like I said before, I always have homework to do that usually takes all week to finish. This sucks and it is depressing to think about. The only perk is that we do not have classes and I get to see my family. I don't want a pity party for how crappy my spring break will be, I just get annoyed because Spring Break isn't always a great time for ALL students.

Countdown to Spring Break: 10 school days and it can't come soon enough!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

This past week and the weeks ahead are extremely busy for me. Between pledging,
cheerleading and my school work, it seems like it's never ending. I am almost done with cheerleading
for the year which is sad yet exciting at the same time. It will definitely open up my Saturdays and
Wednesdays. My mom, sister and two nieces came to my last game, full of support for the team and
myself. They are going to be future cheerleaders, I can see it now. My mom likes to spoil me (I'm the's already been established :)) and she brought me a bunch of food that now consumes my
closet and fridge. I'm really thankful. She always goes above and beyond providing me with the
things I may need.
My boyfriend and I celebrated our one year anniversary which is the longest relationship both
of us have ever had. He took me out to dinner and to see the movie, Valentine's Day, which was really
good (yes, he even enjoyed it). We had to celebrate on Friday though because we had a Hawaiian
themed date party for my sorority which was a blast. Between meetings and his participation with
EMT training, we try to spend as much time together as possible. This will be his last year at my
college, which I'm not looking forward to at all. He lives three hours away, so next year will definitely
test our relationship. I'm just extremely thankful to have an amazing boyfriend and family who do
so much for me and support me in everything I do. This was something I definitely noticed this weekend.
I used to always hate Valentine's Day but now it's become one of my favorite holidays because of Jeremy,
my boyfriend. It's almost three in the morning and I need to go to bed. I am such a night owl but I am not
a morning person at all. It is for sure bedtime! Enjoy!

Friday, February 5, 2010

First Blog

I know many people write about themselves in their blogs and I guess I'm not going to be any different. There isn't anything extremely special that happened to me or is happening in my life at this time. I am currently a junior in college and I am going through the pledging process to join a sorority. I cheer at my university with a great group of girls, which is really fun. I'm not your "typical" cheerleader. In high school, I cheered for football, ran cross country and track in the fall and spring, respectively, and played basketball in the winter. I loved doing all of these activities and I still do them. At this time, I am extremely but I wouldn't have it any other way.
My 21st birthday is coming up, which is normally a pretty exciting birthday for many people. I'm kind of different though because I am not a big drinker. I share my birthday with two of my four sisters. No, it wasn't planned but we are all five years apart from each other. My grandpa also has the same birthday as the three of us. My boyfriend and I are about to celebrate our one year anniversary on Valentine's Day. I used to hate this day but now I love it. I love college but I tend to miss my family a lot. It's nice though because they are only 45 minutes away. This is my first post so it kind of has a bunch of random information in a mixed up order, so bare with me. Hopefully they will get better. Enjoy! :)